A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Use the paladin character to defeat the 3 enemies nearby. 2 of the humanoid enemies are considered normal enemies and will be staggered by the paladin’s attacks. The bigger beast looking monster is considered a boss type and will not be staggered. The boss monster has a variety of attacks, ranging from slow to fast and weak to painful. Maintaining a defensive stance against the boss is recommended. By using block, dodge, or skills that have a built in shield while attacking will lead to an action packed victory.

Player Controls:
Movement - W A S D (to move forward,  left, right, backwards)
Camera Direction - mouse movement
Basic Attack - Left mouse button (LMB)
Heavy Attack - Right mouse button (RMB)
Dodge - "C" (directional invincibility frame)
Shield Block - Left shift key ( the shift lock notification may occur if it is turned on)

Attack Skills:
Leap - "Q"
Counter - "R" (can only be used after successfully blocking an enemy attack)
Power Up - "E" (increases damage by a flat amount)
Upswing Slash - "1"
Slice Combo - "2"
Shield Swipe - "3"
Jump Slash - "4" (Built in block during the attack) 

Press the equal key "=", to restart

Basic attacks lead to different attack combos depending on how many basic attacks are used, and then using a heavy attack.
For example, using 3 basic attacks (LMB, LMB, LMB) into a heavy attack (RMB) leads to the longest basic/heavy attack combo that has a built in block for the last 2 spin attacks.
Other shorter combos include:

Published 21 hours ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Tagscombat, Third Person


3rd Person Action Combat Sample.zip 87 MB

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